NFPA Issues Fire Hose Safety Bulletin
"Research shows that flashover occurs eight times faster today, putting firefighters and their equipment at increased risk," said Ed Conlin, Public Fire Protection division manager. "It's important that fire departments follow fire hose codes and make tactical changes to keep first responders safe during fast-moving fires."
The National Fire Protection Association has issued an attack fire hose safety bulletin this week to remind the fire service to purchase, maintain, inspect, remove and repair fire hose in accordance with NFPA 1961, Standard on Fire Hose, and NFPA 1962, Standard for the Care, Use, Inspection, Service Testing, and Replacement of Fire Hose, Couplings, Nozzles, and Fire Hose Appliances.
"Research shows that flashover occurs eight times faster today, putting firefighters and their equipment at increased risk," said Ed Conlin, Public Fire Protection division manager. "As NFPA's Technical Committee on Fire Hose, the Fire Protection Research Foundation, and others consider attack hose characteristics and research gaps, it's important that fire departments follow fire hose codes and make tactical changes to keep first responders safe during fast-moving fires."
NFPA reported thermal degradation of fire hoses has been identified as a factor during fire hose failure incidents in recent years, and that NIOSH called for additional research, dialogue, a review of fireground tactics, and responsiveness from fire service research organizations, equipment manufacturers, standard-makers, and fire departments after two Boston firefighters died in a fire in 2015.
The research foundation conducted a workshop last year, and recommendations were shared for consideration in the next edition of the code to be released in 2019. NFPA reports that another report that may offer additional insight on firefighter equipment and thermal conditions will be released next month.