MSHA Reopens Rulemaking on Diesel Exhaust

Stakeholders requested an extended comment period.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration has reopened the rulemaking record and extended the comment period for its request for information (RFI) on the exposure of underground miners to diesel exhaust, AIHA reported.

The RFI was originally published in June 2016 and sought information regarding approaches to control and monitor miners' exposure to diesel exhaust in various ways. It closed on Nov. 30, 2016, after which a "Diesel Exhaust Health Effects Partnership" was founded.

The first meeting of this partnership among MSHA, NIOSH, the mining industry, diesel engine manufacturers, and others was on Dec. 8, 2016, during which time stakeholders asked for the comment period to open during the duration of the proceedings. It has been extended to Jan. 9, 2018.


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