Bureau of Labor Statistics Names Most Dangerous Jobs in America

The report also says senior citizens are at risk.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics' most recent release of its Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries data caught the attention of Time magazine, which noted that the death rate for workers over the age of 65 is nearly on par with the rate for electricians—the 20th most dangerous job in the country.

Due to an increased life expectancy and financial reasons, the workforce in America has continued to get older. BLS expects 24.8 percent of workers to be older than 55 by 2024. The agency also listed the most dangerous jobs, with occupations such as loggers, fishers, and aircraft pilots topping the list for 2015. Loggers saw 132 deaths per 100,000 workers, while the national average is 3.4 deaths per 100,000 workers.

In all, there were 4,836 fatal injuries on the job in 2015, an increase over 2014 but still lower than recent decades.


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