Washington's Subways Operating Extra Hours New Year's Eve

The transit agency said information about 2017 SafeTrack surges will be announced in early January, but there would be no scheduled maintenance on the Metrorail system over the Christmas or New Year's holiday weekends.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, known as Metro, is offering extended rail service on New Year's Eve and already has suspended its SafeTrack track maintenance surges through the end of January to allow for presidential inauguration preparations. Late-night rail service will be available until 3 a.m. on New Year's to offer riders a safe transportation option.

The transit agency said information about 2017 SafeTrack surges will be announced in early January, but there would be no scheduled maintenance on the Metrorail system over the Christmas or New Year's holiday weekends, with trains running on their regular weekend schedules on all lines. Metro GM/CEO Paul J. Wiedefeld chose to keep the system open late on New Year's Eve because it will provide an important public service while not affecting critical safety or maintenance work.

"We are pleased to offer special late-night rail service again until 3 a.m. on New Year’s Eve," Wiedefeld said. "I view this as an important public service for the benefit of riders and the communities we serve."

As for the inauguration, on Jan. 20, Metrorail will open early at 4 a.m. with near rush-hour service levels on all lines until 9 p.m.


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