Environmental Protection 2016 New Product of the Year Winners Announced

The website's annual contest attracted entries in seven categories, including environmental management, green technology, health and safety/cleanup, software/SaaS, soil and groundwater, wastewater, and water.

Environmental Protection, an 1105 Media Inc. publication based in Dallas that is part of the company's Infrastructure Solutions Group, announced the winners of its 2016 New Product of the Year Contest on Dec. 15. The website's annual contest attracted entries in seven categories, including environmental management, green technology, health and safety/cleanup, software/SaaS, soil and groundwater, wastewater, and water, with an independent panel of three highly qualified judges choosing the winners.

"Our 2016 contest attracted high-quality, innovative entries in every category, which is one more encouraging sign that the environmental marketplace is dynamic and growing. The competition was strong this year in categories such as health & safety/cleanup and wastewater," Editorial Director Jerry Laws said. "I congratulate all of the entrants on their fine work and thank them for participating. We hope they’ll enter our 2017 contest, as well."

To be eligible for the 2016 awards, products must have been introduced to the market during the 2016 calendar year. Serving as judges in the contest were:

  • Timothy Alan Grobe, MS, CSP, CHMM, CET, ASCS, director, Safety and Health and Safety Engineer for Cross Environmental Services, Inc. (Crystal Springs, FL)
  • Angela Neville, JD, energy reporter for the Texas Lawyer newspaper (Dallas, TX) and law.com, and former editor of Environmental Protection magazine
  • Fred Elliott, a freelance author in Austin, Texas, who writes frequently for OH&S and other publications on safety, health, and environmental topics

The categories, winning companies, and their winning products are:

  • Wastewater: BlueFrog Technology by Absolute Aeration, Blue Frog System Circulator Clusters
  • Soil and Groundwater: EOS Remediation, EOS ZVI
  • Green Technology: EXAIR Corporation, Efficiency Lab
  • Software/SaaS: Medgate, Medgate Management of Change Module
  • Water: Park USA, BreakTank CGF
  • Environmental Management: VelocityEHS, VelocityEHS Environmental Management Software
  • Health and Safety/Cleanup: WaterStep, Portable Bleach Maker

The WaterStep product had the highest scores among all entries. Judge Tim Grobe commented, "I really like the portable bleach maker."

The winners will be featured on the Environmental Protection website.


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