AIHA Announces SynergistNOW Blog

The blog is for experienced IH professionals looking for insight.

The American Industrial Hygiene Association has rolled out a new blog, the SynergistNOW blog. The blog, according to professional association, has been "created and delivered by the American Industrial Hygiene Association [and] offers ideas, insights, and perspectives on important topics affecting industrial and occupational hygiene professionals, written by and for experienced IH/OHs, researchers, academics, and AIHA leaders."

The top item on it June 9 was a post from Aaron Trippler, AIHA's veteran government affairs director who is retiring soon, about the most recent OSHA regulatory moves and what may happen when a new president takes charge of the White House in January 2017. His title: "If You Think Washington is Unresponsive Now, Just Wait Until January!"

AIHA promises readers will get educational opportunities, discussions, and behind-the-scenes views from a related weekly newsletter. You do not have to be an AIHA member in order to subscribe.


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