Scenes from AIHce 16 Day One

AIHce 16 features an interactive trivia game throughout the convention center, attracting attendees.

BALTIMORE -- Day One of the AIHce 16 Exhibit saw a flurry of activity early in the morning, especially around the AIHA-sponsored booth where the man of the hour was signing copies his latest book.

Adam Steltzner, Team Leader and Chief Engineer EDL of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Project, opened the show with his session on his new book, The Right Kind of Crazy: A True Story of Teamwork, Leadership and High Stakes Innovation.

Once the exhibit hours opened, Steltzner spent a good part of the morning signing copies of his book for a line of attendees that wrapped about the booth and then some. Steltzner's discussion focused on human curiosity, the importance of collaboration and innovation, and more.

One the show floor, nearly 5,000 industrial hygiene and occupational and environmental health and safety professionals stopped to check out the some of the newest products in the industry, as well as emerging trends in training and regulation.

My stops included EMSL, where air and lab testing programs were on display, and Sensidyne, which was debuting a new Bluetooth monitoring app.

The 10:30 a.m. session on Monday included a discussion on confined space safety, led by consultant David Kudlinksi. The session saw a packed house, and featured an in-depth breakdown on the defining characteristics of a confined space, including what dictates a permit-required space for workers.

Some of the characteristics Kudlinksi stressed to focus on included: possible oxygen deficiencies, hazards introduced to confined spaces, management of charge (MOC), vertical versus horizontal rescue, and physical obstruction, just to name a few.

The show is just getting started, but already there are topics and ideas being shared with lots of enthusiasm and engagement.


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