HHS Pursues Nasal Spray Anthrax Vaccine

The Centers for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing will be taking on the project

According to a news release from HHS, the Centers for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing (CIADM) will help develop an anthrax vaccine.

The CIADM is led by the Texas A&M System, and will begin advanced development and manufacturing activities.  The vaccine in question is NasoShield, and is being developed to be administered as a nose spray and will require only a single dose, according to the report.

“Anthrax remains a material threat to our national health security,” explained Dr. Richard Hatchett, acting BARDA director. “To help combat the health impacts of an anthrax attack, BARDA partnered with several biotechnology firms in accelerating development of promising next-generation treatments against anthrax infection. Engaging one of our Centers for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing represents a unique approach to this development.”


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