FAA Setting Up Drone Intergration Advisory Panel, Eases Rules on Student Flights

FAA Administrator Michael Huerta made the announcement at the AUVSI conference in New Orleans.

FAA Administrator Michael Huerta made two announcements at the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International annual conference in New Orleans, establishing a broad-based advisory committee that will provide advice on key unmanned aircraft integration issues and also announcing plans to make it  easier for students to fly unmanned aircraft as part of their coursework.

According to the FAA press release, Huerta said the drone advisory committee is an outgrowth of the stakeholder-based UAS registration task force and the MicroUAS aviation rulemaking committee.

"Input from stakeholders is critical to our ability to achieve that perfect balance between integration and safety," Huerta said. "We know that our policies and overall regulation of this segment of aviation will be more successful if we have the backing of a strong, diverse coalition."


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