ISEA's QSSP Recognizes 1500th Graduate

ISEA President Dan Shipp said the demand for QSSP classes is higher than ever.

Sissy Perry, a safety specialist for Airgas, has become the 1,500th graduate of the Qualified Safety Sales Professional (QSSP) course offered by the International Safety Equipment Association, which launched QSSP 20 years ago with the the former Safety Equipment Distributors Association. The QSSP program also plans to expand professional development opportunities, Lydia Baugh ( of ISEA's Marketing and Communications staff and editor of its Protection Update digital magazine, reported in a post on the association's website this week.

QSSP is a five-day course of classroom instruction for eight to nine hours each day, both lectures and hands-on demonstrations and exercises. The class is limited to 40 participants, and students earn the QSSP designation by passing a competency exercise and also receive an OSHA 30-hour card, Baugh reported.

"The guiding principle of the course is that the people who sell safety equipment can be better resources to their customers if they have some idea of what kind of issues the customer faces every day. The goal is to make them valued partners, not order takers," said ISEA President Dan Shipp said, adding that the demand for QSSP classes is higher than ever.


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