OSHA Renews Electrical Partnerships

The partnerships are with the National Electrical Contractors Association of Central Ohio and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

OSHA announced a continued partnership with the National Electrical Contractors Association Central Ohio Chapter and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Unions 683 and 1105 to improve electrical worker safety.

The partnership will emphasize electrical safe work practices, training, enforcement policies, and sharing of best practices among contractors. According to the agency, contractors will focus on electrical safety, falls, struck-by and caught between hazards, and adopting the use of an industry standard checklist. Participating employers pledge to maintain Days, Away, Restricted or Transfer and the Total Cases Incident Rate injury and illness rates below the Bureau of Labor Statistics' data for electrical contractors.

"We're excited about continuing this partnership with the NECA/IBEW after over ten years of success, because we know efforts like these improve workplace safety by fostering education, training, teamwork, and prevention on the job site," said Deborah Zubaty, OSHA's area director in Columbus.


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