Millions of Workers Participated in National Stand-Down: OSHA

Participants as far away as Hindon, India and the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean took part in the May 4-15 event focused on preventing construction falls.

OSHA announced that millions of workers and thousands of employers participated in the May 4-15 National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction, setting a new record for participation in this event, which was expanded to two weeks this year for the first time. Businesses and workers in several countries took part.

OSHA reported 1,300 workers in Hindon, India, gathered to discuss falls on a Boeing site where they are building several facilities for the U.S. government. "The team continues to have an excellent safety record with more than 8 million man hours without a lost time incident," according to OSHA.

Another construction group working on the island of Diego Garcia, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, participated. San Juan Construction is working there on multiple projects at a U.S. Navy Support Facility; as part of the company's stand-down training, exercises were conducted on fall protection, PPE, ladder safety, and head safety, OSHA reported.

The Canadian Government's Labour Program also joined the stand-down by developing a hazard alert informational sheet on falls from heights and promoting the stand-down on its social media feeds.


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