Five NFPA Standards Issued as Consent Standards
They include NFPA 1984, Standard for Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting Operations, and NFPA 1405, Guide for Land-Based Fire Departments that Respond to Marine Vessel Fires.
These five NFPA standards, reporting in the fall 2015 revision cycle, now have been issued by the NFPA Standards Council as Consent Standards, according to a March 4 announcement posted by NFPA's Debbie Baio:
- NFPA 102, Standard for Grandstands, Folding and Telescopic Seating, Tents, and Membrane Structures
- NFPA 115, Standard for Laser Fire Protection
- NFPA 551, Guide for the Evaluation of Fire Risk Assessments
- NFPA 1405, Guide for Land-Based Fire Departments that Respond to Marine Vessel Fires
- NFPA 1984, Standard on Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting Operations
NFPA 102, NFPA 115, and NFPA 1405 received no public comments, and the Technical Committees determined no further revisions were needed to them, Baio wrote. A notice was published that no further meeting was needed, plus a notice that an appeal could be filed on the issuance of these documents, but no such appeals were filed, and the council acted by ballot to issue the standards, which occurred on Jan. 28, 2015.
She wrote that NFPA 551 and NFPA 1984 did not receive public comments, and the Technical Committees determined no further revisions were needed to them, although the Respiratory Protection Equipment Committee (responsible for NFPA 1984) held a second revision meeting resulting in no second revisions. Again, no appeals were filed, and the council acted by ballot to issue the standards, which occurred on Feb. 13, 2015.