NSC Announces Lowest Death Rate Per Mile Traveled on Record in 2014

The council announced its preliminary estimate that 35,400 motor vehicle fatalities occurred in 2014.

The National Safety Council has announced its preliminary estimate that approximately 35,400 motor vehicle fatalities occurred in 2014. According to its news release, the estimated annual mileage death rate dropped to 1.18 deaths 100 million miles traveled, matching the lowest NSC preliminary estimate on record.

"Every day, almost 100 people die in completely preventable crashes," said Deborah A.P. Hersman, NSC's president and CEO. "We all need to make safer choices when it comes to speeding, impairment, and distraction behind the wheel – lives depend on it."

The NSC's recommended safety tips include: buckle up every trip – even when traveling short distances; refrain from all electronic device use – including hands-free – behind the wheel; secure children in size-appropriate restrains; plan ahead and drive defensively; and never drive when tired.


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