Chemical Similar To Meth Used in Bodybuilding Supplement

Widely used “Craze” is found to have a chemical in it similar to methamphetamine

Unbeknownst to users and manufacturers, a commonly used body-building supplement called “Craze” has been found to have a chemical in it similar to methamphetamine, according to Food Safety News.

Scientists and researchers from Harvard Medical School, NSF International and the National Institute for Public Health discovered the chemical compound last Monday after doing a study on the supplement. The substance that is similar to the illicit drug meth is called N,a-DEPEA and it is not disclosed on the product’s label.

According to the article, a researcher from Harvard said that the risk should “not be underestimated.”  The article also suggests that the chemical involved had never been studied with humans and was “created by a ‘criminal chemist’” around three years ago.

Marketed by Driven Sports, Inc., the product comes in candy grape, berry lemonade and piña colada flavors and promises to push bodybuilders beyond their limits through unlimited energy.  It also won the award for’s best new supplement in 2012. The product is no longer being sold by Driven Sports, Inc.

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