4 Ways Training Can Help Reduce Likelihood of Injuries at Work

4 Ways Training Can Help Reduce Likelihood of Injuries at Work

Conducting trainings can help workplaces become safer and healthier.

Training can take many forms, from learning how to correctly move our bodies to understanding the importance of protecting our mental health. It's important for people who work in all industries to properly understand the daily risks they face at work, to ensure they can avoid injury and excess stress. Whilst some roles may come with a more obvious need for proper training, such as using machinery or doing strenuous physical labour, these principles also apply to desk-based workers.

Here we will take a look at four ways that completing training can ensure we reduce the risk of accidents and injuries whilst at work.

Ensure Correct Practice 

Safety training should be mandatory when using any type of machinery or specialist equipment at work, but it’s important to ensure you refresh your memory regularly. Staying up to date with the latest training will ensure physical labor is done correctly, with the right tools and safety equipment.

Even if you’re busy, it’s important to take the time to follow the correct safety procedures. Making sure to always lift heavy objects properly and wear appropriate clothing, goggles or gloves. After all, injuries are most likely to occur when people cut corners, either by rushing, using the wrong tool or not asking for help with a two-person job.

Know the Risks

To be safe at work, you first need to ensure you know the risks of whatever task you’re trying to accomplish. Proper training can help employees better recognize potential risks and what to do if they are concerned for their safety. If you come across a new situation, it’s worth seeking clarification and asking for the correct training before using any new tools, machinery, chemicals or equipment.

Regular risk assessments are vital to ensure that best practice is maintained and everyone is safe at work. All employees should have access to up-to-date safety information and be trained before being asked to complete a new task. Training can also help more people identify what is and isn’t up to regulatory standards. For example, if you work in the hospitality industry serving food, having up-to-date allergy and food safety training could make the difference between life and death in some instances.

Appropriate Fitness

We all know the importance of staying active, but how relevant is it to your job? The answer may be less obvious than you first think. For many in labor-heavy roles, maintaining appropriate fitness for the job is essential for daily safety. But even for those who work at a desk, regular exercise can improve your posture, help you relax mentally and protect you from serious health conditions.

Receiving training around correct desk set-up, posture and the importance of breaks can also prevent backache, neck strain, and headaches. Training office-based staff about eye strain and the importance of taking regular screen breaks is also essential to protect employees’ eye health.

Reduce Burnout 

Education around mental health should be an important aspect of training for all workers, whether they have physically or mentally challenging roles. Knowing how to reduce stress and recognizing the signs that you are at risk of burnout can prevent you from falling into a headspace where you have to take time off to recover mentally. 

Training can also encourage more positive time management skills, manage stress and promote exercise, in turn maintaining a healthy diet and ensuring good quality sleep. Upskilling training is a great way to encourage professional development within your team, by training employees to undertake new tasks and responsibilities.

Holistic Protection

Living well reduces the risk of serious illness and health problems, and having access to the latest training resources can protect employees from both physical injury and mental exhaustion. When regular training is provided, the entire workplace automatically becomes a safer place where there will be fewer accidents and injuries.

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