MSHA Launches 2013 Winter Alert Campaign

The annual report warns coal miners of hazards caused by winter conditions

Keeping with its annual tradition, MSHA issued the 2013 “Winter Alert” campaign, aimed at warning coal mine operators of various winter hazards. According to a press release from MSHA’s website, the campaign is launched every year because statistics show that more deadly mine explosions happen from October-March than any other period.

The “Winter Alert” emphasizes the need to be aware of (and prevent) winter risks through thorough examinations, sufficient ventilation, adequate rock dusting and maintaining escape routes. Because colder air brings low barometric pressures and low humidity, as well as drying of surfaces, it can create an environment conducive to an explosion. Other hazards a cold environment can cause include icy walkways, limited visibility and freezing and thawing of highwalls.

To view the alerts, visit:


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