DOL Archiving 1.6 Million Online Pages
The U.S. Labor Department is archiving its Web site's look and contents in a project that will take months to complete and will encompass 1.6 million Web pages, industry magazine Government Computer News reported Jan. 26. (The magazine and OH&S are owned by 1105 Media Inc.)
GCN Editor in Chief Wyatt Kash reported the Library of Congress worked with several organizations in a project beginning in September 2008 to archive various federal Web sites, but participants found the federal agencies would lack the control they wanted over the resulting archive, and the effort would take months to complete. Patrick Pizzella, CIO and assistant secretary for administration and management at DOL, and DOL webmaster Paul Craven were involved in the decision by DOL to sign a service agreement with Internet Archive of San Francisco to archive pages less expensively, Kash reported.
His report quotes Craven as saying DOL's sites host about 1.6 million pages in all and received 117 million visits and 521.6 million page views in FY 2008.