Indoor Air Quality

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  • Indoor Air Quality and Human Performance Improvement Synergy

    This free webinar will discuss three unique indoor air quality (IAQ) case study profiles are described. Using storytelling, the speakers emphasize the often overlooked emotional and human performance improvement (HPI) aspects of an effective IAQ investigation.

  • Explosion Prevention & Protection Options for Dust Collection Systems

    In this free webinar we will discuss how to recognize dangerous combustible dust situations in manufacturing plants and processing facilities. This knowledge will help you to quickly observe an unsafe situation in your everyday work environments, recognize what you are seeing, evaluate whether you or your employees are in harm’s way, and decide what steps to take to make the environment safe.

  • It’s Time to Update Your Respiratory Protection Written Program

    In this the SECOND of three free installment of the IH Summit, we will discuss how it has never been so important to incorporate OSHA’s hierarchy of controls and add a risk-based breaking the chain of infection approach into the updating of our Respiratory Protection programs.
