ASIS Seeks Comments on Preemployment Background Screening Guideline
The ASIS Commission on Standards and Guidelines is soliciting comments on suggested revisions to the "Preemployment Background Screening Guideline."
The guideline was first published in 2006. All ASIS guidelines are re-evaluated every couple of years, with the possibility of revision, if warranted. ASIS International is the preeminent society for security management professionals.
To provide input, go to the Guidelines section of the ASIS Web site ( Comments must be submitted by April 16. The "Preemployment Background Screening Guideline" can be downloaded, free of charge, on the site.
Employers, from the smallest to the largest, understand the benefits of hiring the best people and providing a safe and secure workplace for their employees, customers, shareholders and the community in which they operate. A key factor is to know as much as you can about the people you want to hire and to know that before hiring them. An employer who has performed a thorough pre-employment background screening on its applicants is more likely to bring into the organization a highly skilled person who will prove to be a tremendous asset.
The guideline serves as an educational and practical tool that organizations can use as a resource in understanding the reasons for pre-employment background screening, understanding the legal principles surrounding the issue of pre-employment background screening, and assistance in developing policies and procedures that will enhance an organization's hiring policy.
The guideline presents practical information concerning the importance of the application form, important legal issues and considerations such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, privacy issues, the key elements of preemployment background screening, and the types of information to use in verifying the key elements.