Beijing Velodrome's Skylight Brings Fire Safety, Natural Light
The newly completed Laoshan Velodrome, where bicycle races and Paralympic events will take place during next year's Beijing Olympics (Aug. 8-24, 2008) and Paralympic Games, is a "technological masterpiece" with a "super skylight" 56 meters in diameter that offers natural light and a fire safety benefit, the city's Olympics officials say.
Writing on the event's impressive Web site,, they say 240 square meters of the skylight can open to admit fresh air, and its "windows" will open automatically to let out smoke during a fire emergency. The skylight's double-layer polycarbonate panels admit natural light but will not allow the August sunlight to shine in the eyes of competing cyclists.
The China Academy of Safety Sciences and Technology (CASST), a national academy within the State Administration Work Safety of China (SAWS), says food safety for the participants and attendees is being ensured by the 2008 Olympic Food Safety Experts Committee, which consists of 15 Chinese and international experts. The food safety scheme includes protected inspection facilities, labeling, and the Olympic Food Safety Emergency Commanding Center. For information about CASST, visit