Kansas City, Mo. Fire Capt. Charley Cashen responded to a call concerning a fire in a local neighborhood. When he and his crew arrived to the home, a mother waiting outside alerted them that her adult daughter was stuck in the basement. As the fire intensified, Cashen navigated his way through the basement before he was forced to turn back due to extremely high temperatures. Running through flames to escape, Captain Cashen spent 10 days in the hospital suffering second-degree burns and receiving skin grafts for his injuries.
On Wednesday, March 16, 2016, dozens of active and retired FDNY members gathered to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the merger between the Health and Hospitals Corporation Emergency Medical Service and the Fire Department of New York. On March 17, 1996, the two groups officially merged, making FDNY the largest department-based provider of emergency medical care in the country. This collaboration has helped the department continue to save lives and respond efficiently to the growing number of medical calls received each year in New York City.
In this June 2016 video from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, NFL star Jason Pierre-Paul tells CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye about a fireworks incident that changed his life and why Americans should let only experienced professionals handle fireworks.
"Petzl's mission is to create innovative solutions, tools or services, that help people progress in vertical or dark environments. Our goal is to continuously strengthen our expertise in these two areas. Its reason for being resides in the idea of 'accessing the inaccessible,' a notion that lies at the heart of daily life for vertical and rope access professionals. This determination means a constant search for solutions to your needs in terms of performance, ergonomics, comfort and reliability. Your needs in the field are the first consideration in our approach to design and manufacturing. This is the way we have worked for forty years." -- Paul Petzl, President, CEO
A survey reveals that only 18 percent of outdoor workers always wear sunscreen at work, and Deb is looking to change that. Deb Group is proactively campaigning to raise awareness of the risks associated with UV exposure to those who spend a significant amount of time outside as part of their job. For more information, visit info.debgroup.com/sun-home-us.
Sponsored by The Deb Group
This LA Fitness video explains the importance of warming up your body prior to beginning your exercise routine. For more fitness and workout tips, visit www.lafitness.com.
Discover Honeywell's next-generation Alarm Management solution with fully integrated Operations Management components. DynAMo, designed from the ground up, delivers operations integrity through better plant safety, availability, and compliance throughout your enterprise.
Sponsored by Honeywell Safety Products
Hugh Hoagland and his team from e-Hazard went to Louisville Processing and Cold Storage to conduct a series of experiments on anti-fogging technologies in face shields. The experiments were conducted in the facility's Cold Room, a controlled environment of -13 degrees Fahrenheit (-25 Celsius). The experiments shown in this May 2016 video were a simulation of workers using Personal Protective Equipment for arc flash protection in an extreme cold work environment. http://e-hazard.com
Sponsored by e-Hazard
UL provides a complete suite of testing services for windows, curtain walls, and all commercial and residential building enclosure products. This 2016 video by the company shows the testing process.
Sponsored by UL EHS Sustainability
Nail guns are widely used on many construction jobs, especially in residential construction. While they boost productivity in some situations they may also cause tens of thousands of painful injuries each year. By using a nailer in full sequential mode, many of these injuries can be prevented. For more information on nail gun safety:
NIOSH Nail Gun Safety: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/nailgun/
Straight Talk about Nail Gun Safety: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2013-149/