March 2013 OH&S

March 2013


  • HEARING PROTECTION: Four Steps to Protection
  • HEAD & FACE PROTECTION: Staying on Top of the Problem
  • HEAT STRESS & SUMMER HAZARDS: Hot Weather and Safety Eyewear
  • HEAT STRESS: Walking the Path to Effective Controls
  • HUMAN RESOURCES: Is Your Organization Bullying-Proof?
  • COMBUSTIBLE DUST: NFPA 654 2013 Edition Revised Requirements for Housekeeping
  • TRANSPORTATION SAFETY: Integrated Safety System Technology is Here


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Cover Story

March 2013 OH&S

NFPA 654 2013 Edition Revised Requirements for Housekeeping

By Steven J. Luzik

Although the strategies offered in the new revision can provide a benchmark for triggering housekeeping efforts, plant management should strive for zero dust accumulations.


Four Steps to Protection

By Barry R. Weissman

We have Frank run the machine during the morning hours and Jim run it in the afternoon. We have not cut down the noise of the machine, but we've cut their noise exposures in half.

John Fischer, CSP, vice president of SVS Safety, ofen sees the problem of heat-induced eyewear fogging. (Defog It by Nanofilm photo)

Hot Weather and Safety Eyewear: A Closer Look at the Hazards

By Jodi Groh, John Olesky

Even a worker in dry-as-a-bone Phoenix perspires more in the heat, which increases the moisture right behind the safety glasses and increases the prospect of fogging.

Volvo is one of the companies testing automatic emergency braking technology in its heavy trucks. (Volvo photo)

Integrated Safety System Technology is Here

By Alan Korn

Heavy-duty technology advancements are improving driver and highway safety.

Of course, education on heat stress, how to identify symptoms, and how to respond is valuable.

Walking the Path to Effective Controls

By Cati Spencer

Milliken applies the DMAIC model to tackle heat stress in its operations.

Is Your Organization Bullying-Proof?

By Pamela Wells

Bullying is a serious psychological assault. It is relentless. The target is put into a no-win situation.

Talk with your comp provider to find out where head and facial injuries have occurred and, if possible, whether PPE was not being used by those workers or possibly was not right for the task being done. (J.J. Keller & Associates photo)

Staying on Top of the Problem

By Jerry Laws

Occupational injuries are very costly, and not just to the affected party. They can drain the company's coffers, its employees' morale, and its standing in the community.


Wellness Pays, Especially for Older Workers

By Jerry Laws

Workplace health promotion programs cut average worker health costs by 18 percent, and even more for programs involving older workers.

Stop Trying to Create a Safety Culture

By Shawn M. Galloway

You already have one, but is it as effective as it could be?

Nine 'Secret' Keys to Unlock Breakthrough Results

By Robert Pater

High-results companies find creative and changing mechanisms for reviewing and reinforcing new mental and physical skillsets.