June 2010

June 2010

  • ELECTRICAL SAFETY: A Great Way to Get Their Attention
  • TRAINING: The Folly of Safety Training
  • SAFETY DISTRIBUTORS: Fairer Skies Ahead
  • VISION PROTECTION: Z87.1-2010 Takes a New Approach

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Safe Harbor

By Ronnie Rittenberry

Baltimore is known as a "City of Firsts" for good reason. In 1743, its Maryland Jockey Club became the first professional sports organization in the United States; in 1774, the city opened the first post office system in the country; in 1816, it became the first city to illuminate streets with hydrogen gas; and in 1920, its Rustless Iron & Steel Co. became the first factory to manufacture stainless steel. And that's just scratching the surface.

vision protection

Z87.1-2010 Takes a New Approach

By Jerry Laws

You'll find the new ANSI/ISEA Z87.1- 2010, American National Standard for Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, is easier to understand and use than the 2003 edition, but don't be fooled into thinking it was a snap to finish it.

The Folly of Safety Training

By Shawn M. Galloway

Companies and leaders alike are often quick to point to training deficiencies or lack of an established behavioral pattern (habit) as the root cause of accidents. Training seems to become the easy solution; or, worse, it is viewed as some sort of magic potion. Safety training can certainly be an answer, but is it the right answer?

Climbing the Cognitive Learning Ladder

By Shawn Adams

The general consensus of those responsible for on-the-job safety is that unsafe acts cause most all on-the-job injuries. The safety field recognizes that companies with world-class safety have a certain culture in which people do not engage in the unsafe acts that result in an actual loss. Because most injuries result from human actions, the key battle in the safety war is for the minds of the workers.

Fairer Skies for SEDA Members

By Jerry Laws

Members of the Safety Equipment Distributors Association are bound for downtown Baltimore this month and the association’s 2010 Safety Leadership Forum in better spirits than a year ago. The event kicks off with a June 15 reception at 6 p.m., less than three hours after the expo of ASSE’s annual meeting has closed, which allows distributor members who exhibited there to attend the SEDA meeting economically, said Kaymie Thompson Owen, SEDA’s associate director.

Electrical Safety: Different Domains

By Michael E. Bingham

Throughout my 27 years spent working in manufacturing, I've worked with electricity in some way or another. I've been a maintenance mechanic, maintenance supervisor, equipment technician, appliance repairman, TV/VCR technician, and more. Although I've been extremely fortunate never to have encountered a fatality that was caused by electricity, almost everyone I've worked with has been zapped, tingled, or shocked at some point in their lives, either on or off the job.

Make It Possible to Save Every Employee

By Greg Slusser

Every organization has diff erent characteristics and safety challenges that must be considered when starting or enhancing an automated external defi brillator program. Only then can a workplace determine how many AEDs to purchase, where to place them, and how many employees to train.

Hyflex Glove

Trends in Glove Manufacturing

By Cherilyn Nelson

Today, branded manufacturers are placing greater emphasis on product differentiation as customers become more sophisticated in their expectations. Hand protection products must meet customer requirements at every level, providing the protection, comfort, and dexterity that help promote worker safety and productivity.


Choosing the Right Manikin for the Job

By Rob Pryce

Way back in the day, we used to pack up our cleaned CPR manikins, legs and all, into giant hard cases and drag those behemoths back to the storage room. The best you could hope for was to avoid getting a hernia trying to heave “Anne” up onto the rolling cart.


No Fear Safety Leadership

By Robert Pater

If you're aiming for sterling results in safety performance and culture, it's high time to promote No Fear Safety. Sure, on a basic level, Safety is about reducing fears — such as anticipating losing something you currently have or being blocked from getting what you'd want in the future.