December 2004

Cover Story

Training Is Not Enough

By Frank J. Poliafico, RN

AT one time or another, most of us have secretly harbored the thought--or even boldly uttered the words--"If I were in charge around here, I'd _____ _____ ____ ____." (You can fill in the blanks yourself.) As for me, having been the only male in my class in nursing school, having fathered two (now grown) daughters, and having been married for more than 30 years, I long ago gave up any desire or hope of ever occupying a position of control or authority over anything or anyone.


How to Sell Safety Products

By Kevin Murphy

AS a safety products distributor, keeping focused on filling the order is Job One: Answer the phone, determine the need, agree on price, and fill the order. That's what keeps distributors in business, right?

Our Emerging Reliance on Pervasive Sensing

By Bob Durstenfeld

IT is a debatable question whether people feel any safer now than they did three years ago. We are certainly more aware of the threats, but have our responses scaled with the threat?

Effective Early Defibrillation Programs

By Bill Clendenen, A.B., MBA, Bill Rowe

A co-worker in his early fifties collapses from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) after taking a walk during his break. He's unresponsive, turning blue, and lying motionless on the floor just inside the main entrance. You activate your emergency response plan, call 911, and wait. Within three minutes, CPR is started by trained co-workers. Six minutes later, EMS arrives and begins advanced care.

What Good Are Standards?

By Frederick G. Heath

STANDARDS for manufactured products provide a welcomed accountability to the marketplace and make purchasing decisions easier--or do they?

The Need for Speed

By Chris Webre

PALMS sweating, smelling burnt rubber, feel the power, getting hot, c'mon c'mon, let's go, sweating more, yellow lights--feel the rush, pedal to the metal, ZOOOOOM. Does this sound like your fork truck driver? While this may get a chuckle, speeding fork trucks and dock safety do not go hand in hand.

No Use Crying Over Spilled PERC

By Joe Lorenz, David Vicarel

PCE--the acronym used in the hazardous materials industry for tetrachloroethene--is a common dry-cleaning solvent that does wonders for getting clothes clean.

PPE: How to Get Workers to Wear It

By Wayne Vanderhoof

IT is a never-ending battle to get workers to wear any type of personal protective equipment. All types of PPE have their advantages and disadvantages, comforts and discomforts. Getting workers to use it is an endless task.

Credibility 101

By Rebecca Nigel

AS a manager and leader, how credible are you? Put another way, how much do your employees trust you: your decisions, what you advocate, and even what you say?

Getting the Message Across

By Mary Lesch

INTENDED to remind workers of safety hazards, warning signs are not necessarily the quick and easy safety reminders they are supposed to be.


Dividing Could Conquer

By Jerry Laws

I'D be the last person to recommend betting the house on an unscientific poll, but some of them are useful. It seems you and I agree: OSHA should divide into two separate units, one for enforcement and the other to perform consulting functions.

OSHA's Enforcement Strategy

By Scott A. Kuebler, Ph.D., CHSP, CHS-III, CECD

OSHA's injury, illness, and inspection rates for 2001 lend credence to its stance that strict enforcement of standards, along with intensive education and development of alliances in the business community, is the winning prescription for the safety and health of American workers.

Locking Out the Unexpected

By Ronnie Rittenberry

LIFE is full of surprises. They can either take our breath away with delight or kick us in the head with steel-toed work boots--or worse. If it's your birthday or you work at a place that actually grants promotions, then, hey, surprises can be good.