Fauske & Associates, LLC

Combustible Dust Testing & Process Consulting

Combustible Dust Testing & Process Consulting

Industrial Hygiene hazards should include potential combustibility hazards. Our labs provide testing for combustible dust, vapor and chemical reaction hazards. Fauske & Associates uses testing data to solve process safety issues and mitigate potential accidents in the chemical and nuclear industries. Custom solutions include site assessments, testing, engineering, consulting and training.

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    Product Spotlight

    • NoiseCHEK Personal Noise Dosimeter

      SKC NoiseCHEK is the easiest-to-use dosimeter available! Designed specifically for OEHS professionals, SKC NoiseCHEK offers the easiest operation and accurate noise measurements. Everything you need is right in your palm. Pair Bluetooth models to your mobile devices and monitor workers remotely with the SmartWave dB app without interrupting workflow. Careful design features like a locking windscreen, sturdy clip, large front-lit display, bright status LEDs, and more make NoiseCHEK the top choice in noise dosimeters. Demo NoiseCHEK at AIHA Connect Booth 1003. Read More

    • MetCam - Continuous Optical Gas Imaging

      MetCam is a Class 1 Div 1 Continuous Optical Gas Imaging System. It operates independently with onboard computing, ensuring complete data privacy with no need for cloud services. MetCam continuously monitors critical assets for gas leaks, visually indicating leak locations and calculating cloud volume and density for more accurate reporting. Read More

    • EMSL Analytical, Inc. - Air Sampling Supplies & Testing Labs

      EMSL Analytical, Inc. operates laboratories throughout the United States and Canada. EMSL is a nationally recognized and locally focused provider specializing in fast laboratory results for Asbestos, Mold, Silica, Lead & Metals, Bacteria, Legionella, USP , Combustion By-Products, VOC’s, Radon, PCB’s, Formaldehyde, METH/Fentanyl, Identification of Dust & Unknowns. Sampling Pumps, Cassettes, Media & Supplies available. Reach us at 1-800.220.3675 Read More


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