Glove Guard LP

Glove Guard Clip

Glove Guard Clip

Most injuries occur because gloves are “over there” when needed and up to 80% of glove replacement costs are due to lost or misplaced gloves. The Glove Guard® clip, the original safety breakaway glove clip, has a proven record of reducing both by keeping gloves close at hand. The clip features strong jaws with interlocking teeth so that it stays attached to clothing and gloves while the redundant safety breakaway keeps the wearer safe from snagging hazards.
Booth 3517

    Product Spotlight

    • Experience the New Standard of Dexterity

      "Get the perfect blend of safety and comfort with our thinnest maximum cut protection gloves • Meets the highest ANSI A9 cut resistance standards, ensuring protection against cut hazards • Touchscreen compatible for seamless interaction with touchscreen devices, enhancing productivity without the need to remove them • Food safe compliant to maintain hygiene and safety in food processing and handling • Cut-resistant sleeves with unmatched flexibility and breathability" Read More

    • Three Year No Charge Multigas Detector MGC Simple Plus

      The MGC Simple Plus multigas detector provides three years of continuous runtime and no recharging. It reliably tests for hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, oxygen and combustible gases (LEL). Routine calibration is not necessary, which saves valuable time and costly expenses. Bump testing is recommended before each use. It comes with Gas Clip Technologies’ three-year warranty and is sold through distributors worldwide. This detector is also available in a two-year model, the MGC Simple. Read More

    • Halo- Swing-Activated Faucet and Emergency Eyewash

      Optimize space in your workspace or laboratory with Bradley’s new combined Halo- Swing-Activated Faucet and Emergency Eyewash. This space-saving dual design features a gooseneck faucet for regular use, such as handwashing, and a built-in emergency eyewash featuring Halo- technology, which delivers the most effective eye washdown coverage available. Read More


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