Hughes Safety Showers

Tank Shower

Hughes Safety Showers Ltd.'s 1200 liter Tank Shower is designed to maintain water at a safe temperature, especially in hot climates. If the water temperature exceeds a safe level, employees could be injured through scalding. Hughes manufactures a range of tank showers with thick insulation, integral chiller units, and reflective sun shields.

    Product Spotlight

    • SlateSafety BAND V2

      SlateSafety BAND V2

      SlateSafety's BAND V2 is the most rugged, easy-to-use connected safety wearable to help keep your workforce safe and help prevent heat stress. Worn on the upper arm, this smart PPE device works in tandem with the SlateSafety V2 system and the optional BEACON V2 environmental monitor. It includes comprehensive, enterprise-grade software that provides configurable alert thresholds, real-time alerts, data, and insights into your safety program's performance all while ensuring your data is secure and protected. Try it free for 30 days. Read More

    • Chemical Protection: Your Safety, Our Priority

      Introducing AlphaTec(R) 53-003. This glove features a unique combination of rubber polymer and plastic laminate and offers unprecedented chemical protection and comfort. With a thermoplastic layered coating and proprietary synthetic co-polymer, the gloves provide high protection against aggressive, multiple, or chemical mixtures, along with secondary hazards like mechanical or heat-related risks. Read More

    • Control of Hazardous Energy Training and Services

      e-Hazard has developed Lockout/Tagout training and services in response to growing industry demand for ways to address this critical aspect of worker safety. Our practical approach lets us meet your needs at the level that best fits you. We can assist you with any of the following: provide training for your employees, perform an audit of your current processes, work with you to develop, and implement LOTO program and procedures. Having a comprehensive, functional approach to control of hazardous energies is an essential component to keeping your workers safe. Read More


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