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Dollar Tree Fined for Repeat Safety Violations

Dollar Tree Fined for Repeat Safety Violations

The state investigation centers on a store in Tacoma, Washington.

OSHA Seeking Nominations for the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health

OSHA Seeking Nominations for the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health

The two open slots are designated for the Department of Health and Human Services.

FDA Approves Second Over-the-Counter Naloxone Nasal Spray

FDA Approves Second Over-the-Counter Naloxone Nasal Spray

The product is an emergency treatment for opioid overdose.

MSHA Identified 242 Violations in June 2023

MSHA Identified 242 Violations in June 2023

The inspections covered 18 mines and spanned 12 states.

Redefining the Safety Hierarchy in a Confined Space

Redefining the Safety Hierarchy in a Confined Space

What are the steps you should first consider to ensure your confined space entries are safe and that workers are best equipped to respond if they are met with a life-threatening hazard?

Updated Standards Help Demystify Fall Protection Product Selection

Updated Standards Help Demystify Fall Protection Product Selection

Heightened federal oversight on falls means employers should make sure they’re familiar with fall protection standards and that each worker is using the right type of harness for their particular application.

Striking a Balance

Striking a Balance

Reducing hand fatigue with light-weight gloves that pack a heavy-weight cut-protection punch.

A Winning HazCom Gameplan

A Winning HazCom Gameplan

Five ways to keep workers safe through implementing an effective hazard communications program.

Your 4-Step Guide to Improving Fall Protection with Microlearning

Your 4-Step Guide to Improving Fall Protection with Microlearning

How you can implement a program that leverages bite-sized lessons to help workers fully digest a full course of fall protection education.

Leveraging Communication

Recalibrating how safety managers can effect change in their organizations.

Myth-Busting Wearables

Myth-Busting Wearables

Three common myths about putting wearables to work in your health and safety program.

How to Harness Hazard Communication Training

How to Harness Hazard Communication Training

There are multiple benefits of hazard communication training. What are they and how do you get started?

The Three Base Strategy

Persistence is a critical leadership attribute — but not when it comes to those nagging injuries that continue to drag down safety performance and culture and adversely impact workers and workloads.

Building a Strong Hazard Communication Training Program

Building a Strong Hazard Communication Training Program

An OSHA initiative means employers who use hazardous chemicals in the workplace should start preparing to update their hazard communication training programs. Who needs training, what are the elements of training, and how do you make an effective program?

Traumatic Brain Injury Hazards on Construction Sites

Traumatic Brain Injury Hazards on Construction Sites

How do companies prevent TBIs on the job and what are the steps to take should an accident occur on a construction site?

The Crucial Role of Emergency Eyewash Stations

The Crucial Role of Emergency Eyewash Stations

Emergency eyewash stations are central to the safety of everyone around them. What are some key innovations to eyewash stations, and how do companies ensure proper usage?

Onsite Health Screening’s Big 3

Onsite Health Screening’s Big 3

These 3 types of health screenings are key for injury prevention and improved employee health outcomes.


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