He proposed an amendment Feb. 27 to the All Economic Regulations Are Transparent Act (H.R. 2804) that would have exempted the regulation from the act's requirements, but it was defeated.
It will solve the problem that many seafarers "were reportedly unable to have access to approved training courses or were unable to be issued certification of security-related training in accordance with the STCW regulations."
Water levels above the Wanapum Dam are being reduced to 20 feet lower than the normal high operating level to reduce pressure on the spillway after divers found a 2-inch-wide crack that was 65 feet long in the base of one of the spillway piers.
The agency releases the results of January inspections, which resulted in 198 citations.
Check for compatibility. It's important to have your employees suit up with all of their gear when fitting a hearing protector.
The real question is, for you as a safety professional, how much is your “peace of mind” worth?
Even with the best standard operating procedures, spills can still happen--often when they are least expected.
There is a real opportunity to deliver a better safety experience for people working in risky environments through innovative products.
While the Association of American Railroads supports requiring older tank cars used to transport flammable liquids to be retrofitted or phased out, many other stakeholders firmly oppose a retrofit.
In the United States, make sure that every hat is permanently marked with "ANSI" on the shell and the suspension so you know it meets or exceeds national standards.
The most important solutions to heat stress are frequent rest and water breaks in the shade. If laborers work in the sun they absolutely must have tents or shade sails available with cool water and seating.
It takes ongoing vigilance and management of change to identify conditions in your plant that might cause a potential safety problem.
OSHA cites Nichiha USA Inc. for almost $140,000 in proposed safety violation fines.
For any safety manager who wants to see whether his or her company might benefit from a refresh of the existing program, a good first step is to seek out professional assistance to learn more.
Defining the correct PPE levels based on electrical hazard risk assessments on all electrical equipment will lead to better acceptance by electrical workers.
Thirteen employees of DOE's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, N.M., were notified Feb. 26 that they have tested positive for radiological contamination after being exposed on Feb. 14.
OSHA has issued $560,000 in penalties to Custom Rubber Products LLC, a Houston manufacturer, after a worker was severely injured.