Safety agencies around the world observe this day, April 28, to encourage workers and employers to do all they can to be safer on the job.
As many as 75 percent of the recent cases are secondary infections -- meaning individuals who became infected through contact with another person. Most of these are health care workers who became infected at work.
Secretary Anthony Fox said his agency will send a "comprehensive rulemaking package" to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs this week.
The exercise scenario was a response after a Boeing 737 had crashed into a building beside the river in east London.
The agency published a rule April 25 that took effect immediately, barring flight operations by U.S. air carriers in a portion of the Simferopol (UKFV) Flight Information Region, where Ukraine and the Russian Federation have issued conflicting NOTAMs.
The agency ordered the railroad company to reinstate the employee after finding the company at fault for illegal retaliation.
Their analysis, published in MMWR, also indicated Hispanics, self-employed workers, and workers in smaller establishments had disproportionately higher ladder fall injury rates.
It's an effort to inform temporary workers about heat stress, electrical safety and fall hazards in construction and is being done in partnership with Maryland Occupational Safety and Health’s outreach program.
The agency proposes extending its authority to other products, including e-cigarettes.
Starting Feb. 1, 2016, mine operators must use continuous personal dust monitors to monitor the exposures of underground coal miners in occupations exposed to the highest respirable dust concentrations and the exposures of miners who have evidence of the development of pneumoconiosis. The rule also expands medical surveillance requirements and extends them to surface coal miners.
The 30-second video was developed by Tourism New Zealand and the New Zealand Transport Agency after numerous recent crashes involved tourists.
The first of six test sites chosen to perform unmanned aircraft systems research, located in North Dakota, is now operational.
The May 7 event in Washington, D.C., titled "The Human Cost of Cheap Labor," includes the presentation of ASSE's 2014 Triangle Award and a keynote address by Jordan Barab, OSHA's deputy assistant secretary.
The agency proposes a new expedited access program for medical devices for patients whose conditions are urgent and serious.
The two events will be held in Springfield, Mo. and Kansas City, Mo.
One worker died in the April 16 explosion at the Rio Ammunition plant in McEwen, Tenn.
Participating agencies have taken more than 1,700 tons of unwanted or expired prescription medications out of circulation during the past three and a half years in this way.