"Simply put, the proximity detection final rule will save lives and has the potential to dramatically improve the safety of mining operations," said Assistant Secretary Joe Main. "It already has the support of many in the mining industry."
One passenger died while dozens of others were hospitalized due to smoke inhalation in an incident in the nation's capital.
States are encouraged to apply for annual CVISN and PRISM grants.
OSHA also ruled that Air Methods Corp. must pay more than $166k in back wages and damages.
Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny said Jan. 9 that the two vaccines have undergone Phase 1 testing and have an acceptable safety profile.
Based in Austin, the Oil and Gas Division regulates the exploration, production, and transportation of oil and natural gas in Texas.
That's a good question, and one with many answers.
Back in 2010, if you were to type the term "ice cleats" into Google, you would find roughly 18,000 results.
The year's strongest U.S. earthquake, and the second largest quake of 2014, was a magnitude 7.9 event in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska on June 23.
The censure is the equivalent of a criminal prosecution, according to the Health and Safety Executive.
The other day I was downtown for an important meeting. On my way into the city, the skies began to grow dark and by the time I pulled into the parking lot, the heavens had opened up and were dumping buckets of water all around me.
The company was cited for repeated safety hazards.
OSHA cited Ice River Springs for serious and willful safety violations.
The 1.7-mile bridge, nearly 80 years old, is getting a moveable median barrier installed.
All four companies are based in Tallahassee, Fla.
NHTSA also announced it issued more fines in 2014 than in its entire 43-year history.
The agency's MMWR publication this week featured a report on an assessment of responders following a vinyl chloride release from a New Jersey train derailment in 2012.
"We want it to be safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, and even more beautiful for the campus community, our neighbors, and campus visitors," said Daniel G. Ennis, the university's senior vice president for finance and administration.