The 239 passengers and crew on board have been declared dead, but the recovery operation continues.
The Arizona Department of Health Services' director issued a call to action Jan. 28, asking all Arizonans to be up to date on their vaccinations. He reported more than 1,000 contacts have been identified for the seven measles cases in Arizona as of that date.
Caldwell-based Superior Steel Products Inc. did not protect employees from hazards related to the use of forklifts, and OSHA investigators also discovered confined space, flammable liquid, and respiratory hazards, according to an agency news release.
The blast killed a temporary worker and critically injured another.
The two agreements apply to construction workers in San Antonio and to workplaces nationwide.
The National Safety Council cited his research on human factors and programs to reduce impaired driving casualties.
OSHA has cited Lone Star Management following the accident.
The results provided a new data set for the many of the hazardous characteristics of arc flash incidents.
ARCO National Construction also received citations for serious hazards.
OSHA has cited Reybold Homes Inc. for willfully violating safety laws.
Dr. Margaret Chan said "well-functioning health systems are the cushion that keeps sudden shocks from reverberating throughout the fabric that holds societies together, ripping them apart."
One of 30 research projects completed during 2014 will win the medal, with the winner announced during NFPA's 2015 annual conference. The medal recognizes the project that best exemplifies the foundation's fire safety mission, technical challenges that were overcome, and a collaborative approach to execution.
It seeks applicants with emergency management, emergency response, and cybersecurity expertise. Appointments are for three-year terms to end Aug. 15, 2018.
Secretary Anthony Foxx announced the agency is adding two automatic emergency braking systems to the recommended advanced safety features included under its New Car Assessment Program.
Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx found that these proposed operations did not need an FAA-issued certificate of airworthiness because they don't pose a threat to national airspace users or national security.
The recent guidance aims to help address specific risks or concerns about nanomaterials present in the workplace.
The October 2012 fire burned seven workers at an East Rutherford, N.J., plant.