FMCSA ordered JDJD Transportation, LLC to immediately cease operations, saying the company is an imminent hazard to public safety.
The $93,700 in proposed fines and 18 violations resulted from Site Specific Targeted inspections, which are planned inspections at high-hazard workplaces where the highest rates of injuries and illnesses occur.
Consumers who are allergic to milk should be aware that a high proportion of tested dark chocolates contained milk, the agency announced Feb. 11.
Bob Simon, 73, died in a Feb. 11 car accident, the show’s executive producer announced.
The transit agency said some riders may have been exposed because a Contra Costa County resident with measles commuted from home to work in San Francisco while infectious last week.
The freight-handling company faces two willful and six serious violations, according to the agency.
The recommendations are for the Federal Railroad Administration, the Association of American Railroads, the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association, and the American Public Transportation Association.
GADSS, which will be implemented "over the next few years," will be a system that tracks aircraft all the time and in all conditions.
As the equipment housed in these centers places more demands on their HVAC systems, engineered-airflow solutions are being introduced. The Fire Protection Research Foundation wants to find out how they affect the transport of fire suppression agents.
Ricon Corp. will have to pay $1.75 million, the department announced.
The loan will upgrade tracks and stations between the downtown Loop and Chicago O'Hare International Airport.
It has cleared for marketing the ENROUTE Transcarotid Neuroprotection System for use during a minimally invasive procedure to restore normal blood flow to narrowed carotid arteries.
Applicants must be health professionals with five years of experience working in public health, health-related fields, or community settings within the U.S.-Mexico border region, and there are additional requirements.
NIOSH is reviewing the accomplishments of NORA's second decade and is preparing for the third decade, which will start in 2016. The comment period is part of the second decade review.
Blake Griffin, the Los Angeles Clippers' leading scorer, will undergo surgery Feb. 9 in Los Angeles to remove a staph infection in his right elbow, the team announced Feb. 8.
With 39,000 jobs added in January 2015 and 308,000 in the past year, construction employment is at its highest level since February 2009, AGC reports.
The number includes two of every five children aged three to 11 years, according to the agency.