The agency announced it has issued a $28,125 fine to Portland Specialty Baking LLC for a grouped willful lockout/tagout violation.
They include NFPA 1984, Standard for Respirators for Wildland Fire Fighting Operations, and NFPA 1405, Guide for Land-Based Fire Departments that Respond to Marine Vessel Fires.
The Illinois-based contractor was banned by a federal court for "refusing to abide by OSHA standards."
The company has had 41 safety citations since 2011, according to the agency.
"We know that using a seat belt is the single most effective intervention to prevent injury or death in a motor vehicle crash. However, in 2012, more than one in three truck drivers who died in crashes were not buckled up, a simple step which could have prevented up to 40 percent of these deaths," said CDC Principal Deputy Director Ileana Arias, Ph.D.
Nanoparticulate silver is, by some estimates, the most common nanomaterial being used in consumer products, according to the Commerce Department agency.
The Home Depot and Chemique each face civil penalties for allegedly violating the regulations.
Employees of R+L Carriers were forced to avert an explosion and fire, among other dangers.
Several recent incidents, including one fatality, involved workers who fell through skylights.
"Fatigued drivers can be just as dangerous as an alcohol- or drug-impaired driver on our roadways," said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow. "A lack of sleep will decrease a driver's awareness, slow reaction time, and impair judgment."
Complying with the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008, FRA issued a rule in 2010 that requires railroad track owners to implement bridge management programs and perform bridge inspections at least annually.
The agency posted an update titled "warning signals from the volatile world of influenza viruses." It said the world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic.
By selecting FR garments with THL measures and layering in mind, safety managers can take steps to ensure employees will be able to maintain a safe and comfortable temperature in the workplace.
Online improvements will help increase compliance with critical health and safety standards.
LOTO technology can create a safer workplace and make compliance more efficient.
One of the most important things for a successful program is to get employees to feel like they are being included in the decision process of developing the program.
Preventing occupational head injuries starts by following the hierarchy of controls.