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Using a SAMHSA Certified Laboratory ensures that every test you perform on an employee or applicant will stand up in a court proceeding; it is a defensible test.

What to Look for in a C/TPA or Program Manager

The wrong choice in a service agent for your drug testing services may or may not cause ongoing problems, but it only takes one test to go bad for devastating consequences to occur.


Ready to Beta Test NIOSH Pocket Guide's Mobile App?

AIHA alerted its members Aug. 26 that NIOSH is seeking industrial hygienists to beta test the app right away (by Sept. 1).

Panama Canal Authority Suspends Draft Restriction

Caused by El Nino conditions, the restriction had been set to begin Sept. 8.

Confined Space Rescue and Calling 911

Presenting at VPPPA31, Pat Furr helped to shine a light on proper confined space rescue planning.

How to Handle a Break Up with OSHA

Kelli Heflin of Southwest Generation told stories of withdrawing from VPP and how her company got back on track.

Take Temps' Safety Seriously, VPPPA31 Speakers Advise

"It is a serious issue. It's the number of serious violations that were found. It means that many employees were at risk of serious injury," Norman R. Deitch said.

The 31st Annual National VPPPA Safety & Health Conference takes place at the Gaylord Texan Aug. 24-27, with the expo set for Aug. 24-26. (Gaylord Hotels photo)

Successful VPPPA31 Is In the Books

More than 2,500 attendees participated in the association's 2015 conference. Next year, the event takes place in Kissimmee, Fla.

ANA Calls for RNs to Be Immunized Against Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

But ANA said exemptions for medical or religious reasons should be allowed.

The updated OSHA regulation creates a unified and up-to-date set of requirements to help employers more effectively establish safe work practices to protect their workers.

IBEW Reports It's Counting Casualties More Accurately

The union, which represents 750,000 active and retired members, reported Director of Safety and Health David Mullen "has been flying blind" until recently.

One Death, Serious Injury in Falls from Vikings' Stadium

The NFL team and the companies involved expressed regret for the casualties.

Scag Power Equipment has recalled about 4,400 of the zero-turn mowers because of a fire hazard, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced Aug. 25.

Wisconsin Manufacturer Recalls Mowers for Fire Hazard

CPSC's announcement said consumers "should immediately stop using these recalled lawn mowers and contact Scag Power Equipment or an authorized dealer for a free repair."

OSHA Penalizes Company in Another Machine Guarding Case Involving Temps

"Management continues to allow workers to clean equipment without following safety procedures and without guards being properly installed. This company needs to address all workplace hazards, not just the ones for which penalties have been proposed," said Bill Fulcher, director of OSHA's Atlanta-East Area Office.

VPPPA 2015 Award Winners Announced

The Outreach Award went to Tropicana Products Inc. and the Innovation Award to both Washington River Protection Solutions and Raytheon-Intelligence, Information and Services Indianapolis Site.

Keynote Speaker Shares Resiliency Lessons Learned

Jim Davidson compared his challenges in two high-altitude emergencies with his #VPPPA31 audience's day-to-day work challenges.

The director of NTSB

NTSB Seeking New Director for Highway Safety Office

The director is responsible for providing executive level management and direction for highway transportation accident investigations and highway research programs.

Self-Employed in England Soon to Be Exempt from Health and Safety Law

The exemption takes effect Oct. 1 for those who are self-employed doing work that poses no potential risk to the health and safety of other workers or members of the public.

Kenyan Railroad Wins IOSH Award

Rift Valley Railways (Kenya) Ltd used a 5S approach to cut injuries to workers in its Nairobi production workshops by around 90 percent.


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