The information is to include the specific chemical identity, production volume, methods of manufacture and processing, exposure and release information, and existing information concerning environmental and health effects, "insofar as known to or reasonably ascertainable by the person making the report," it states.
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory has a partner in this work -- the Japanese Ministry of Defense. On Dec. 19, 2016, Japanese medical researchers visited Maryland for an update on the work.
The $7 million digital, radio, and video campaign addresses young male motorists, and a supporting video shows a train slamming into an SUV.
The winning companies developed "new tools that make it easier for individuals and clinicians to access health information and put it to use," said Dr. Vindell Washington, national coordinator for health information technology.
Opioid-related legislation will focus mainly on mandated prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) use but also on physician education, substance-use disorder treatment, and guidelines or restrictions on prescribing controlled substances.
The committee's main goal during the second meeting, which is open to the public, will be to review and potentially approve three task groups, including one to review issues related to the roles and responsibilities of federal, state, and local governments in regulating and enforcing drone laws.
Kempf Construction was cited for five serious safety violations.
OSHA inspectors witnessed workers working at heights up to 40 feet without proper fall protection.
During the early 1980s, volatile organic compounds, trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, as well as benzene and vinyl chloride were discovered in two on-base water supply systems at Camp Lejeune. The contaminated wells supplying the water systems were shut down in February 1985.
The suit seeks back wages and damages for violations of the OSH Act.
The report also says senior citizens are at risk.
"Canadians have told us that they want more information about a company's emergency response information at the earliest stages of a proposed project. These changes will foster increased understanding among stakeholders, hearing participants, NEB experts, and panel members regarding a company's plans to respond should an emergency occur," said Peter Watson, chair and CEO of the board.
The mayor and fire commissioner said response times to fires and life-threatening medical emergencies improved by 5 seconds for fires and 21 seconds for medical calls in 2016, and they announced the early completion of the nation's largest smoke alarm giveaway/installation program.
Redhawk Roofing has been cited for four repeated safety violations.
The Bad Boy XTO and Bone Collector XTO off-road utility vehicles are not equipped with seat belts and pose a risk of serious injury in an accident.
The rules outline new performance measures that will improve roads and bridges as well as assess travel reliability.
The ANSI/ASSE Z224.1-2016 standard is a game changer for both the United States and OSH professionals globally, says Master Lock's Todd Grover.