The 2017 Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ honors those that have contributed to the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus through effective practices or innovations directed to those who are exposed to noise at work.
Five previous petitions requested the addition of autoimmune diseases. Dr. John Howard, administrator of the WTC Health Program and NIOSH director, determined that the new petition did not provide additional evidence of a causal relationship between 9/11 exposures and autoimmune diseases.
The DOJ sought a permanent injunction against the company for manufacturing and distributing unapproved new drugs.
In addition to paying the $5.8 million penalty, Keurig has agreed to develop, implement, and maintain a compliance program that is designed to ensure that it complies with the Consumer Product Safety Act.
The winners all developed electronic solutions that will help consumers share health data easily and securely.
The agency reported that in Canada between 2006 and 2015, 397 occurrences involving uncontrolled movements of rolling stock or equipment were reported to the TSB, and about 8 percent of them were caused by human intervention.
"Research shows that flashover occurs eight times faster today, putting firefighters and their equipment at increased risk," said Ed Conlin, Public Fire Protection division manager. "It's important that fire departments follow fire hose codes and make tactical changes to keep first responders safe during fast-moving fires."
The review will focus whether or not staff that used the hoses could have been exposed to chemical compounds from the hoses themselves.
The model evaluates BOPs during extreme pressure and flow conditions.
Per Holand of Exprosoft presented the research at OESI’s Public Technology Assessment Program Forum.
Three draft tasking statements were reviewed by the committee.
The 2016 standard was written to be scalable to meet the needs of both large and small companies with varying levels of technology present in their machinery and processes.
Its new report cites the 16 federal agencies involved in overseeing the safety and quality of the U.S. food supply.
Siliq will be used to treat adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.
"The court's ruling means federal, state, and local agencies can continue to rely on not-for-profit SDOs to develop voluntary consensus standards at the highest level of excellence and at minimal cost to government," added Kathie Morgan, president of ASTM International.
Acosta is the dean of the Florida International University law school.
The company reported it expects wind energy, transportation, and utilities to experience higher growth than other PPE segments through 2021 as they increasingly adopt sophisticated products.