Amtrak has begun emergency repair work. Meanwhile, MTA Chairman Joe Lhota recently announced a "top-to-bottom" audit of the agency and will propose a plan within 60 days to modernize its subways.
The guidelines, above and beyond mandatory building codes, will help architects provide more accessible features to the 11.2 percent of city residents who have identified as having a disability, according to the mayor's office. Meanwhile, ICC has updated the 2009 ICC A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities standard.
The three-day 2017 Chemical Sector Security Summit begins July 19 with more than 500 chemical sector stakeholders and government and industry professionals expected to attend.
Development of the new certification began more than one year ago with a panel of subject matter experts meeting in July 2016 to outline the knowledge and skills their industries require of safety managers and specialists.
The bureau was created by Public Law No. 259 on June 5, 1920, which gave the bureau the duty to "formulate standards and policies which shall promote the welfare of wage-earning women, improve their working conditions, increase their efficiency, and advance their opportunities for profitable employment."
This is the first report to highlight the differences in cancer deaths based on geographic location.
Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald has been the commissioner of the Georgia Department of Public Health and the state health officer for the past six years.
Fishtail Air Pvt. Ltd operates charter flights in Nepal and occasional flights in Bhutan and India, including sightseeing, rescue, medical evacuation, corporate transport, and support flights for heli-trekking to popular tourist destinations.
Building a new tunnel under the Hudson River is estimated to cost $11.1 billion and rehabilitating the existing tunnel would cost $1.8 billion more, according to DOT.
A new enforcement policy excludes monorail hoists from the requirements of Subpart CC.
The board opened the public docket on the investigation into the October 2016 engine failure on a commercial jetliner.
The existing Police Academy was built in 1976, the city's fire prevention training facility was constructed in 1950, and the Fire Academy South was developed in 1965.
Stemming from the agency's investigation of the 2015 El Faro sinking, the 10 recommendations aim to increase the frequency of certain advisories and alerts and improve the accuracy of hurricane and tropical cyclone forecasts.
Driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal in any state, but to enforce the law, authorities need a reliable roadside test for marijuana intoxication. More research will still be needed to understand how breath levels of THC correlate with blood levels and what blood levels of THC indicate impairment.
Now the Respiratory Health Division, the lab in Morgantown has made great impacts in addressing occupational respiratory disease issues by working in partnership with industry, labor, academia, government agencies, and others, Director Dr. John Howard reports in his latest newsletter.
Beginning July 10, Metro and its contractor will test the use of a curtain grouting technique to add a waterproof membrane to the exterior of Red Line tunnel walls.
The monitoring will occur under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.