Under the $247.5 million contract, Lockheed Martin will complete the design and fabrication of an experimental aircraft known as an X-plane that can cruise at 55,000 feet at a speed of about 940 mph and create a sound about as loud as a car door closing, instead of a sonic boom, according to NASA.
MSHA sought information and data on the effectiveness of its current standards and policy guidance on controlling miners' exposure to diesel exhaust -- standards that date to 2001, when an MSHA final rule established new health standards for underground metal and nonmetal mines that use equipment powered by diesel engines.
A consent decree was filed in federal district court in the Northern District of Indiana that requires U.S. Steel to pay more than $600,000 as a civil penalty and to reimburse EPA and the National Park Service for response costs incurred after an April 2017 spill of wastewater containing hexavalent chromium that entered a waterway flowing into Lake Michigan.
"Public safety is our top priority, and we are finding new ways to cooperate across state and municipal lines for the benefit of all Anchorage residents," Mayor Ethan Berkowitz said. "This effort is made possible by the growth of the Anchorage Police Department and the willingness of the prosecuting agencies to adopt innovative solutions in the face of the state fiscal crisis."
The board also will consider and possibly vote on a proposed change to Board Order 022, the CSB Recommendations Program, which is how the independent agency hopes to prevent serious accidents. Recommendations are included in CSB final reports.
To date IDPH has reports of 38 people in the Chicago area and in central Illinois who have experienced severe bleeding and reported using synthetic cannabinoids. All of those individuals have required hospitalization, and three of them tested positive for brodifacoum, a lethal anticoagulant often used as a rat poison.
CPSC reported that between December 2013 and July 2016, Polaris received 36 reports of fires associated with its model year 2014 Rangers and made two design changes to the vehicle to prevent the heat shield from becoming loose and falling off.
The report confirms that recent increases in drug overdose deaths are fueled by continued, sharp increases in deaths that involve synthetic opioids other than methadone, such as illicitly manufactured fentanyl.
Because the damage caused by chemical fertilizers is often long-term and cumulative, it may be wiser to consider alternative and sustainable methods of fertilizing the soil.
Workers are speaking loud and clear—with increased cut risks abundant in today’s machinery-heavy workspaces, cut protection can be as critical a factor as chemical protection.
In the next five years, we'll see sustainability in commercial projects moving from a luxury to a requirement. Examining your product and its performance now will put you ahead of the curve.
Looking at most "world class" health and safety organizations, technology plays a vital role in their success. They view software as one of many tools, not the sole solution.
Good shoes make better employees.
While hands may be protected with gloves, arms without proper protection are vulnerable to cuts, abrasions, and burns.
Employers must evaluate their first aid response and preparedness programs based not only on OSHA compliance, but the needs of their workplace and employees.
Test results demonstrate that an employee is indeed safer while wearing a pair of safety-toed shoes.
Hot work should not be done where flammable vapors or combustible materials exist. Both the work and the equipment being used by the welder should be placed outside any hazardous area.