Northeast Framing Inc. faces a penalty total of $311,330, the maximum allowed by law.
Enforcement personnel throughout Canada and the United States inspected commercial motor vehicles for brake violations. During the week, they placed 4,955 vehicles out of service until critical problems with their brakes could be fixed.
The failure occurred on Southwest Airlines flight 1380 on April 17, 2018, after takeoff from New York City's LaGuardia Airport. Fragments from the engine struck the plane's fuselage, causing rapid depressurization, and a female passenger died as a result. Eight others suffered minor injuries.
The only Nov. 6 statewide ballot measure to fail was North Dakota’s Measure 3 to legalize recreational use by adults.
It calls for designating Virginia's secretary of natural resources as the chief resilience officer of the Commonwealth, a review of the vulnerability of Commonwealth-owned buildings, development of a Virginia coastal resilience master plan, a review of pre-disaster mitigation programs, and a review of compliance with flood protection and dam safety laws.
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada's investigation found that the third officer used a rope ladder to read the seaward draft marks in the middle of the vessel. When resting flat against the vessel's hull, this ladder leaves little room for hand and foot holds, making it unsuitable for this task, and the rope ladder was rigged to the guardrail in such a way that there was no safe way to access the ladder from the deck.
"The mock-ups used for the liquid waste operations and SWPF tie-in project are an ideal way to test the execution of this important but hazardous scope," DOE-Savannah River Assistant Manager for Waste Disposition Jim Folk said. "Ultimately, it helps to determine the tools and techniques that will be needed to perform the tie-ins while reducing exposure to the workers."
After traveling about 55 miles, it was deliberately derailed by a company control center in Perth, according to ATSB.
Covered facilities in the state are BWX Technologies Inc. (previously known as Babcock & Wilcox Co.) in Lynchburg, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Three adults and four children died in six fires between Oct. 15 and Oct. 25, according to the agency.
The Drug Enforcement Administration's acting administrator, Uttam Dhillon, said the report underscores the magnitude of the nation's opioid crisis. "This report highlights the necessity of using all the tools at our disposal to fight this epidemic," he said.
Sirens, helicopters, military vehicles, first responders and other disaster response measures are expected to be present this week in various locations across the state. The public should not be alarmed, as the emergency response presence is part of the training exercise.
Even when you think you've checked all the right boxes regarding safety compliance, there's one crucial element you may be neglecting: your employees. Not even the latest and greatest PPE will protect them if they aren't willing to wear it consistently and compliantly.
There have been no significant changes in the industries in which workers are most likely to be injured by their work, with construction and agriculture among the sectors with the highest risks.
During the first three nights of the initiative that began Oct. 28, NYPD inspected 128 garbage hauling trucks, issued 163 moving summonses and 458 criminal summonses, and towed five garbage trucks that were deemed not safe for the road.