Boeing's announcement of the investment in Digital Alloys, Inc. said Boeing currently more than 60,000 3D-printed parts flying on space, commercial, and defense products.
Supported by the 17th annual Checkpoint Strikeforce outreach campaign, increased enforcement will take place from Aug. 17 through Labor Day weekend and resume periodically through "target moments" such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Eve.
The pre-symposium workshops are four-hour or eight-hour sessions on Aug. 27. Topics include Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED and also Inspection Techniques and Hazard Recognition.
Robin Townsend, chair of the ISO technical subcommittee that developed the 17339:2018 standard, said it "is designed to provide manufacturers with what is required to ensure the anchors not only work effectively, but withstand the conditions in which they are stored. It also features test methods such as for strength, towing, and corrosion."
The International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases is held every two to three years, and CDC has hosted it since 1998.
The London Fire Brigade reports they increased by 34 percent in 2017 alone.
The speakers at Safety+, which takes place Aug. 28-31 at the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn., include Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam; Phyllis L. Bayer, assistant secretary of the Navy (Energy, Installations and Environment); and Steve Hawkins, Tennessee Occupational Safety & Health Administration assistant commissioner.
"People who use ride-sharing services as a method of transportation deserve to know who's driving the car they're getting into," said State Sen. Daniel Biss, who sponsored the bill that has now become law in the state.
Bruce Landsberg, a past president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Air Safety Institute, was sworn in Aug. 7 by Chairman Robert Sumwalt.
The inspection was conducted in February 2018 after OSHA personnel saw employees working in an unprotected trench; OSHA cited the company for serious and willful violations.
David Zuby, IIHS chief research officer, said "it's important to note that none of these vehicles is capable of driving safely on its own. A production autonomous vehicle that can go anywhere, anytime isn't available at your local car dealer and won't be for quite some time. We aren't there yet."
"As hurricane season continues, we are reminded of the lessons learned in the wake of Hurricane Harvey," Texas Governor Greg Abbott said. "The state is proactively allocating the necessary resources to protect lives and property in the event of another hurricane, and it is imperative that Texas families do the same."
Dr. Larry Wolk has accepted the role of chief medical officer with the Wonderful Company. "During his tenure, Larry has been challenged by marijuana legalization, increasing oil and gas development, and the domestic introductions of Ebola and Zika viruses, to name a few. His development of state plans to address these and other emerging issues are just a few examples of his impressive legacy," Gov. John Hickenlooper said.
In an effort to help "Beat the School Jam," HDOT announced it will suspend construction-related road closures on major state highways during Aug. 20-24 between the hours of 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. to alleviate congestion and help people transition into the new school year.
Director Dr. John Howard's August 2018 "From the Director's Desk" message discusses the research that is under way, including field investigations.
On average, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources responds to 22 wildfires annually on lands it manages that are caused by shooting, a number that includes illegal explosive targets and target practice.
The association's Safety+ annual national conference is taking place Aug. 28-31 at the Gaylord Opryland Convention Center in Nashville, and scholarship recipients will be recognized during that event.