William D. Turner, Jr. joined Skillful Indiana from Allison Transmission, Inc., where for more than a decade he headed the training and development organization for the Indianapolis-based manufacturing company.
Gov. Mike DeWine's executive order describes Ohio as "facing the worst drug epidemic in my lifetime [and] losing 13 or 14 people a day from accidental drug overdoses. Every county in Ohio and every city, town and village – urban and rural – is affected."
The national waiver allows State Farm to conduct drone operations over people and flights beyond the pilot's visual line of sight through November 2022. Previous waivers State Farm was granted were limited to a short time frame and to specific geographic areas affected by hurricanes.
LPR technology allows the city to match license plates against the list of stolen vehicles sent to the LPRs daily by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications. If the LPR system identifies a stolen vehicle, CPD officers are automatically alerted so they can investigate further.
The odds of dying accidentally from an opioid overdose have risen to one in 96, surpassing the odds of dying in a motor vehicle crash (one in 103), according to analysis by the National Safety Council.
It will provide an in-depth and analytical examination of the future of work, according to ILO, and will outline the steps needed to create a better future of work for all.
The corporation's CEO, Geisha Williams, resigned on Jan. 13. PG&E faces billions of dollars in potential liabilities related to wildfires in California.
The gift will support the creation of a short-term housing facility for the Homeless Navigation Center, construction of a new community center run by local nonprofit Avenue CDC, reopening of the Flores Neighborhood Library, and expansion of Houston Health Department services, including new mobile health clinics.
Boeing delivered 806 commercial jets during the year and has a seven-year backlog of orders. Airbus delivered 800, and its backlog stood at 7,577 aircraft at the end of 2018.
FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said he is working to reinstate inspections on facilities that are considered at a higher risk due to the handling of sensitive items such as seafood, vegetables, and soft cheese, or that have a history of problems.
The Hernando County, Florida, Sheriff's Office is investigating a Jan. 10 incident in which a man performing maintenance on a helicopter at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport was decapitated by its main rotor blades.
To this point during the 2018-2019 flu season, 6.2 million to 7.3 million people have been sick with flu, and as many as half of those people have sought medical care for their illness.
Mayor Bill de Blasio said he will pursue local legislation that would require private employers with five or more employees to offer 10 annual days of paid personal time, allowing employees to take paid time off for any purpose.
Researchers who surveyed Michigan medical marijuana users found 56 percent of participants reported driving within two hours of using marijuana, 51 percent reported they drove while a "little high," and 21 percent reported driving while "very high."
I-25 is a major north-south highway that passes through Denver and Colorado Springs. CDOT's announcement said the agency has seen an increase in motorists entering the interstate from the wrong direction, which has caused numerous crashes, including some fatalities.
All of them completed one of two intensive five-day courses in the technical and regulatory fundamentals of workplace safety and health. The courses were offered in and October and November in Durham, N.C.
Eighteen of the deaths occurred at surface operations, while nine occurred in underground mines. The leading cause of miner fatalities during 2018 was powered haulage, which accounted for 13 deaths.