A two-alarm fire in a large commercial building downtown did relatively little damage Jan. 24 because the fire was in the attic area and was being held in check by fire sprinklers, Las Vegas Fire & Rescue reported.
During the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend alone, five snowmobilers died in the state. So far this winter, nine snowmobilers have died in Michigan.
"By preventing routine government collection of information that may be quite sensitive, including descriptions of workers' injuries and body parts affected, OSHA is avoiding the risk that such information might be publicly disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act," the agency's Jan. 24 news release said.
"Today more women than men earn bachelor's degrees, but women are still underrepresented in STEM fields," said Nick Smith, interim president and CEO of the National Safety Council. "Women should always have a seat at the safety table, and this grant from The UPS Foundation will help NSC efforts to identify, advance, and celebrate those opportunities."
The last two years on record (2016 and 2017) were the most deadly years for people killed by drivers while walking since 1990, according to the report, which ranks states and metropolitan areas around the country using Smart Growth America's "Pedestrian Danger Index."
The grant helps the New York State Department of Labor provide disaster relief jobs and employment services to eligible individuals in counties impacted by widespread opioid use, addiction, and overdoses. Funding has been approved up to $5,591,446, with an initial award of $1,863,815.
Noah's Ark Processors LLC faces penalties of $182,926 for 16 serious safety violations. OSHA cited the company for process safety management program deficiencies, failing to guard roof openings, and electrical safety and lockout/tagout violations.
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada's investigative report on a baggage compartment fire during a WestJet flight in June 2018 says a damaged battery inside a passenger's bag triggered it.
Among the report's 10 recommendations are a universal labor guarantee that protects fundamental workers' rights, an adequate living wage, limits on hours of work, and safe and healthy workplaces.
The department will not fine businesses that have the old posters displayed, and NCDOL inspectors carry the newest posters in their vehicles and will offer them free to employers who have out-of-date posters.
"It is critical that we focus on rebuilding our public infrastructure," Alaska Labor Commissioner Dr. Tamika Ledbetter said. "This funding supports our commitment to invest in employment opportunities for rebuilding our public facilities, roads, and schools and provides opportunities for workers to gain transferable skills."
"A seamless food safety regulatory system that involves many regulatory layers on the federal, state and local levels is key to preventing foodborne illness and protecting public health," McDowell said. "We hope our federal partners are back to business as usual soon, which will bring all food safety efforts up to full capacity."
The research, published in the latest edition of IOSH's Policy and Practice in Health and Safety Journal, investigated musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in workers as a result of different systems used for recycling and waste collection.
The new law will require the state's police and fire stations to offer crisis intervention services to assist first responders who are coping with psychological trauma or stress.
Medtronic recalled Synergy Cranial Software and Stealth Station S7 Cranial Software in September 2018 because of inaccuracies displayed during surgical procedures. The notice says FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall.
The 2019 Global Risks Report identifies economic worries, major power tensions, political strains, climate catastrophe, and technological instabilities as areas of concern.
"We are recalling inspectors and engineers to perform duties to ensure continuous operational safety of the entire national airspace," the Federal Aviation Administration announced Jan. 15 in a statement.