Owners of the recalled boilers should immediately contact the installer or distributor from whom they purchased the boiler or Viessmann to schedule a free in-home safety inspection and repair.
Gary Van Tassel II of CSX Transportation and his team made the traditional intermodal facility more efficient by implementing new technology and modernizing site layouts, which allow CSX to operate with a smaller footprint, fewer diesel utility trucks, a transition to electrified cranes, and significantly reduced truck dwell times.
"The annual NIOSH Science Awards allows us to take a moment to recognize the talented and dedicated staff at NIOSH and our partners who are instrumental in accomplishing the important work that helps us achieve our mission of generating new knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health and transferring that knowledge into practice," NIOSH Director Dr. John Howard, M.D., said.
Organizations are increasingly looking for ways to transform their business so they can stay competitive, streamline operations and increase profits.
ASSP is encouraging widespread involvement in upcoming workplace safety campaigns that began April 28 with the observance of Workers' Memorial Day. "We often take for granted that our families will be safe and healthy at the end of the work day," ASSP President Rixio Medina, CSP, said. "But that assumption is far from reality, given the many who are lost every day around the world as a result of work-related incidents."
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis recently spoke to an audience at Battle Mountain High School in Edwards, Colo., expressing support for Vail Health's decision to invest $60 million in behavioral health care for the Eagle River Valley community.
According to officials from the 16 firms GAO interviewed for its report, cost savings and other considerations led them to adopt advanced technologies, despite facing certain risks with the technologies.
Regina Lombardo has served as the associate deputy director and chief operating officer for the agency since March 2018, with responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the agency. Starting May 1, she will be the first woman to lead ATF in its history.
Minneapolis has made the four "geo-fenced" locations available on the Aira app for free. Aira is available on any iOS or Android phone by downloading the mobile app and registering.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday the launch of a new education campaign to help the public understand the importance of removing and properly disposing of unused prescription opioid medication from their homes.
FDA said the guidance builds on 18 months of improvements to its recall processes that have resulted in more timely information being available to consumers. Examples include alerts, advisories, or consumer warnings related to products such as pre-cut melon associated with an outbreak of Salmonella infections and recalled vegetables, drugs, homeopathic products, and test strips for home-use monitoring of Warfarin.
Local or state permits may be needed before starting to rebuild after a severe storm, straight-line winds, and flooding in much of the state during March, FEMA and the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency are reminding state residents.
The defendant admitted that on June 23, 2018, he pointed a green laser light at an Airbus AS350 B2 helicopter while it was in the air. Texas Department of Public Safety agents were flying a the helicopter on a routine law enforcement patrol at the time.
"We are also pleased to welcome Christopher Hart as an independent safety advisor," said John Simon, interim CEO of the corporation. "We welcome his insights as we confront the growing wildfire threat and commit to advancing the highest standards of transparency and safety."
DEA reported that the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicated 6 million Americans misused controlled prescription drugs, most of them obtained from family and friends.
The National Fire Protection Association Standards Council has approved a plan to consolidate and merge the information currently available in 114 NFPA Emergency Response and Responder Safety standards, guides, and recommended practices into 38 overarching standards.
New Brunswick Southern Railway pleaded guilty to two of the 24 charges of violating Canada's Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act. Through a settlement, New Brunswick Southern Railway agreed to pay $10,000 in fines and $40,000 to be invested in improving the safety of the transportation of dangerous goods in Canada.