
NY State Road Construction Halted During Holiday Weekend

Some work may continue behind permanent concrete barriers or for emergency repairs, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced May 25.

NTSB Issues Reports on Four Maritime Investigations

One of the reports involves a 2016 Hudson River tugboat sinking.

NIOSH Touts DERMaL eToolkit to Aid Responders

They can quickly retrieve important information about chemicals' health effects while in the field, explains Naomi Hudson, DrPH, MPH, a health scientist in NIOSH's Education and Information Division.

Serious Fall Results in UK Company and Director Being Fined

A 28-year-old worker was fitting solar panels on a roof at the farm on May 19, 2015, when he fell more than 10 feet through a skylight and broke his back in three places.

Video Series Aims to Improve Ambulance Crash Testing

Ten new crash methods were developed, and the NIOSH release coincides with National Emergency Medical Services Week.

Former Louisiana State Official Named Director of BSEE

Scott A. Angelle was most recently the vice chairman of the Louisiana Public Service Commission.

DuPont Hosts 2017 Annual Meeting Today

It's an important event for the company, which expects to close on its proposed merger with Dow Chemical later this year. A stockholder proposal this year asked shareholders to require the board to report by next year's meeting on steps DuPont has taken to reduce the risk of accidents.

The research work published in JOEH found that common filaments used in 3D printers can emit VOCs during the printing process.

Study Calls 3D Printing's Safety Into Question

"The use of HEPA, as well as activated carbon filters does not solve the problem of air pollutants formed during 3D printing and there is the need for a new filtration system," the authors wrote. "Photocatalytic filters are one of possible solutions."

DOL Releases Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Request

The budget requests funding that will help workers develop skills to meet the 21st economy’s demand.

MSHA Awards $250K in Grants

The money is part of the Brookwood-Sago grant program.

ASSE to Honor Feeney, Lopez as Fellows

Fay Feeney, CSP, ARM, and C. Gary Lopez, CSP, are the 2017 recipients of the society's highest honor.

70th World Health Assembly Under Way

This year's meeting is the final one with Dr. Margaret Chan as director-general of WHO. She told the delegates that countries should work to improve their collection of health data and should make health strategies more accountable.

Steel Plant Cited for Machine Safety Hazards, Lead Overexposure

Republic Steel faces $279,578 in fines.

MSHA Extends Effective Date of Working Places Rule

The final rule will now take effect on Oct. 2, 2017.

Major incidents at oil and gas refineries pose a significant risk to refinery workers and nearby communities while costing Californians an average of $800 million a year in disruption to fuel supplies, according to the state agencies behind the new safety regulations.

Standards Board Approves California's New Refinery Safety Order

It is "the most protective regulation in the nation for the safety and health of refinery workers and surrounding communities," said Christine Baker, director of the state's Department of Industrial Relations, parent agency of Cal/OSHA.

Belief in the Impossible

Thirty hours and 40 minutes following the launch of the Apollo 13 mission to the moon, a loud bang was heard. The rupturing of an oxygen tank would drive NASA to abort the moon landing and redirect all of its resources to bring the astronauts home safely. Although NASA had planned for many potential hazards, the general prognosis of an in- flight issue such as this was not positive. Yet, as each and every issue came up, the teams of engineers, flight controllers, and astronauts worked to ensure that they could return home safely.

New Action Plan to Fight Organized Crime Announced in Austria

Each organization will give the other access to its online training portals – the INTERPOL Global Learning Centre and the OSCE Policing Online Information System.

National Safe Boating Week Under Way

On average, 700 people die in boating-related accidents annually in the United States, and eight of every 10 victims weren't wearing a life jacket.

Energy Efficiency Figures into Week Four of Building Safety Month

This week's theme is "Investing in Technology for Safety, Energy & Water Efficiency."

Grilling Safety Tips from NFPA

Don't make a bad safety mistake this summer, the association advises.


Artificial Intelligence