By incorporating movement into the work day, employees can also reduce their risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
More than half—56 percent of respondents in a new AHA-commissioned survey—said that they do not know the location of the AED in their workplace.
No ethical incentive provider would create a program to discourage reporting—tracking safety issues is an integral part of making a workplace safer!
How many of us have adopted a strategy because it was easy, even though it was ineffective?
NIST researchers are laying the technical groundwork for manufacturers to develop accurate devices.
There is a certain class of occupational environments where engineering controls are not feasible and double hearing protection is inadequate.
A comprehensive safety analysis should not be limited to the facility. It should also include a review of all tasks and processes, giving priority to high-risk areas.
There will be plenty to learn and do at the NSC Congress & Expo in downtown Indianapolis.
Prioritization of tasks and planning the work are the keys to keeping the momentum of the team.
With such overwhelming support, one could assume that legalization has clear benefits for everyone. That assumption is not only costly, it could prove to be dead wrong.
Are the things you are doing adding value? Are levels of compliance increasing? Are beliefs and behaviors changing?
State mandatory law compliance and state marijuana law issues are certainly concerns that company program managers must deal with. However, ADA issues may be far more problematic.
Slip resistance is a challenge. It's ideal to work with a safety footwear provider who understands the tradeoffs and can help advise your organization on the right product for the work environment.
Follow these steps to ensure you have an effective hearing conservation program.
It's finding the right blend of motivators that makes the difference between a successful program and one that just bumps along.
Growing awareness of the dangers and potential liabilities of compressed air has industries and institutions exploring new options.
Feet are the foundation of the body, carrying the burden of weight while supporting the knees, back, and hips.
Accumulation of biological pollutants can result in hazardous health effects for occupants, as well as structural damage to the building.
Some attendees and exhibitors also stayed away because of Harvey, but not as many as might have been expected, J.A. Rodriguez Jr., a VPPPA Board of Directors member, said Aug. 31. Attendees from Valero and ExxonMobil were on hand despite the storm's impact on refineries and offshore platforms, and some exhibitors from the affected areas came late -- some on Wednesday evening -- but still arrived in time to exhibit on Thursday.
Early Thursday morning, two explosions generating billows of thick black smoke were reported at a flooded chemical plant in Crosby, Texas, just 30 miles northeast of downtown Houston