The toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories, and they can also reach it by text -- text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.
The company also reported it educated more than 3,400 additional employees on PTC operations during the quarter, bringing the total number of employees trained to about 16,000 (40 percent completion), and also increased by 1,900 the number of route miles in PTC operation.
The National Hurricane Center said Irma is forecast to remain a powerful category 4 or 5 hurricane during the next couple of days.
With residents in much of southeast Texas and parts of Louisiana and other states working to recover from Harvey's destructive rains and wind, and a stronger hurricane churning westward toward Puerto Rico and possibly Florida, the overall theme and the four weekly themes are right on target.
A recent NFPA report said fires are more common between the hours of 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. and on weekends, and September and October are the peak months for fires in dormitories.
Next year's annual national conference is scheduled to take place Aug. 28-31, 2018, at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn.
"Under these extraordinary circumstances, we want to help volunteers, employees, and our customers to be as safe as possible," added John Waldron, president of Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions. "We are proud of the great work being done by first responders and so many others, and we are thankful for the ability to help those on the front lines who provide help where it is needed the most."
"Hazardous chemical management and release remediation is a major concern for any company but becomes exponentially more difficult during natural disasters, where the surrounding conditions are often unpredictable," said Glenn Trout, president and CEO of VelocityEHS.
The Arizona Department of Health Services' deadline is Sept. 5 to submit its findings and recommendations to Gov. Doug Ducey on curbing the opioid epidemic.
Site visits will be conducted in late September 2017 and the awards presented in April 2018. Getting site visits will be seven health care organizations, three in education, two nonprofits, and two small businesses.
So far, more than 24,000 people have participated in MTI training.
The Federal Register notice about the request details the history of OSHA's VPP -- in the spotlight recently because OSHA has held two meetings to discuss how it can strengthen its VPP program and also because the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association held its 2017 national conference last week.
The 360,000-square-foot expansion of the GM Design studios in Warren, Micn., is the final stage of a $1 billion investment in GM's Global Technical Center, which is a National Historic Landmark site.
The report points out that workplace injuries are common among these workers, fewer than half are offered medical insurance by their employers, and more than half earn less than $15 an hour despite having on average high levels of experience in the industry.
"The GRI 403 standard provides a lever for change in corporate reporting practices on OHS globally," said Kathy A. Seabrook, chair of the CSHS Board of Directors. "Safety and health professionals need to step up, participate, and influence the final standard through this public consultation period. It's a significant development in our profession."
"Walking a mile in the shoes of a hard worker is no easy task," said Dr. Kevan Orvitz, Podiatrist and Tustin, Calif.-based MEGAComfort's founder. "We created this contest to honor the nation's hardest workers that represent the essence of the Labor Day holiday and to highlight the importance of worker appreciation.
There is a need for a value-driven security risk assessment in chemical clusters.
Sound-level meter apps available for smart phones "can have a tremendous and far-reaching impact in the area of noise control," says the CDC.
"Detecting sepsis early and starting immediate treatment is often the difference between life and death. It starts with preventing the infections that lead to sepsis," said CDC Director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D. "We created Get Ahead of Sepsis to give people the resources they need to help stop this medical emergency in its tracks."
Follow these five steps to prepare for the collision of culture and technology.