"The new guidance supports further development of this important new technology, which has the potential to change the way we travel and how we deliver goods and services," said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.
The release of isobutane occurred Nov. 22, 2016, in the sulfuric acid alkylation unit at the refinery. Four workers, an employee and three contractors, were severely burned and two others were injured in the incident.
The Department of Health reports that, so far in 2017, there have been 16 laboratory-confirmed cases of the disease statewide. The average number of cases per year statewide typically ranges from two to 11.
"We can do better, bringing a higher degree of fairness to scheduling practices without penalizing businesses that are creating the important jobs that are growing our economy. Hearing from the public is an important step in striking that balance," New York Commissioner of Labor Roberta Reardon said.
"Floor collapses can be caused by overloading areas with construction materials, the new floor not being structurally completed, or the structural support elements being inadequate or altered. That is why it is critical that builders ensure the load-bearing capacity of floors under construction are known by everyone at the site," WorkSafe Victoria Head of Hazardous Industries and Industry Practice Michael Coffey said.
With multiple wildfire across the state, the agency has posted tips for indoor air quality concerns, respiratory protection (including voluntary use), and heat stress prevention.
"Job Corps has been an excellent partner with OSHA, communicating safety and health information to their staff and students, and supporting workplace safety," said OSHA Area Director Diego Alvarado Jr. "By recommitting to both our efforts, we are strengthening our ability to promote workplace safety and health to a new generation of workers."
"On Firefighters' National Memorial Day, we all come together to remember and mourn, to support one another, and to celebrate those wonderful lives. The symbolic half-masting of national flags on all federal buildings will inspire Canadians to pause in remembrance of the firefighters in their communities and across the country who have fallen while serving their fellow citizens," said Ralph Goodale, Canada's minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, on Sept. 10.
The team reported China maintains strong and sustainable nuclear security activities and identified a number of good practices, while making recommendations and suggestions for continuous improvement. It was headed by Joseph Sandoval, a member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories.
Proper selection, use, care and maintenance of FR clothing is essential to ensuring the safety of workers, and it is ultimately up to employers and safety managers to identify, select, and provide the proper clothing for their workers.
The workers involved in the case clean, maintain, and prepare rental cars for customers and also drive shuttles to locations around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
In health care, the collaboration will explore the use of AI in areas such as the security and privacy of medical data, personalization of health care, image analysis, and the optimal treatment paths for specific patients.
FDNY added 32 names to it last week, members of the department who have died from illnesses related to their search and rescue work on 9/11 -- 16 years ago today.
Pan American Health Organization country offices in the Caribbean took preventive measures to provide the necessary support to authorities and a team of infrastructure, engineering, and administrative specialists was prepared to support the immediate assessment and response to the impact on people located in the path of hurricane Irma.
"The Abilities-Ride program is a win-win for Metro and our MetroAccess customers in Maryland, who will soon have the ability to choose a taxi trip, rather than MetroAccess, at a discounted rate without having to make an advance reservation," said Metro General Manager/CEO Paul J. Wiedefeld.
"This is one of the most significant initiatives produced on the international stage by the OHS profession," said ASSE President Jim Smith, MS, CSP, who was in Singapore to sign the accord on Sept. 3. "For the first time, we have achieved a common global commitment to defining capabilities for OHS professionals and practitioners, which in turn will raise competencies and ultimately lead to fewer worker injuries, illnesses, and fatalities."
More than 22,500 EMS workers visited emergency departments each year for work-related injuries, it says, with sprains and strains accounting for the most frequently cited injuries. Most were injured while responding to a 911 call.
During the past two years, the Safety and Health Investment Projects grants have funded 19 safety and health projects at a total of $2.5 million.
"Falls from height remain one of the most common causes of work-related fatalities in Great Britain. The risks associated with working at height are well known," said HSE inspector Denise Fotheringham.
The new MRASS technology is far better because it is less expensive and requires less maintenance that the foghorns, which use older technology that is prone to being knocked out of calibration and for which parts are hard to find, according to the Coast Guard.