3M PSD Honoring Scholarship Winners June 1

The students received $5,000 scholarships and will attend AIHce 2014 courtesy of the 3M Personal Safety Division.

The 3M Personal Safety Division is hosting a reception June 1 at the Hilton Palacio Del Rio, 200 South Alamo St. in downtown San Antonio, to honor the four 2014 winners of its $5,000 scholarships. This is the 28th annual presentation of 3M's Occupational Health and Safety Scholarships.

The scholarships are awarded to outstanding students pursuing an education in a graduate occupational health and safety/industrial hygiene program in the United States or Canada. 3M PSD provides airfare and accommodations for the winners so they can attend the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition.

The reception begins at 5:30 p.m. and ends at 7:30 p.m. in the hotel's Stetson Room.


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